Legal Information
Hans-List-Platz 1
A-8020 Graz Austria
Tel: +43 316 787 530
Commercial register of the local court Graz: FN 214668p
Sales tax identification number: ATU53252108
Applicable Status: Austrian Company Law (GmbH Gesetz) and Austrian Industrial Code (Gewerbeordnung)
Bankers: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Account: 08826744800, Bank Code: 12.000
BIC / Swift code: BKAUATWW
IBAN: AT 93 1100 0088 2674 4800
Concept & Design: moodley brand identity
Webdevelopment & Productplugin: InetService - Holzer & Dengg OG
Disclosure pursuant to § 25 MedienG (media act)
Media proprietor: Piezocryst Advanced Sensorics GmbH; Hans-List-Platz 1; A-8020 Graz; Austria
Object of the company: Development, manufacturing and distribution of sensoric devices, especially piezoelectric pressure sensors, piezoelectric force sensors, piezoelectric strain sensors, piezoelectric accelerometers. Development and distribution of related amplifier electronics and data acquisition electronics and manufacturing of high precision mechanical parts
Manager: Dr. Michael Hirschler, Thomas Lippok
Shareholder: Spectris plc
Basic orientation: Optimal information for customers, interested parties, and staff of Piezocryst Advanced Sensorics GmbH.
Terms and Conditions
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Terms and Conditions
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